You may not know the story but it is one that should be told and remembered. In 1934 the day before the Chatham Coloured All Stars team officially won a Provincial Baseball Title, they played a game that will go down in history. The team was leading with a 3-2 score and were on their way to victory when the umpire called the game on account of dark...
It has been a challenging 2 years for many individuals and their families. Let's take this Thanksgiving weekend and concentrate on our blessings not on our challenges. Wishing you and your families special blessings on this day of thanks.
It will be a scaled down event but Wambo lovers are thrilled that the event will be celebrated this year on Friday night Oct 8 and Saturday October 9. It is a great way to kick off your Thanksgiving Weekend so make plans to come out and enjoy the festivities. The committee hopes to bring the full- fledged event back in 2022 but for this year, due to...