Christmas is a wonderful time of year when family and friends get together, reflect and give thanks for their blessing and of course, probably eat and drink a little too much. However, many of us realize that this is not the case for all families. Perhaps there has been the loss of a close family or friend, one of your family ,a good friend or an acquaintance may be enduring some suffering or trying to repair the damages to their finances that the last two years of Covid has caused.
Whatever you are going though, remember that Chatham-Kent is a Caring, Giving community and I decided to dedicate this week’s blog to the many organizations, members, volunteers and donors who help so many at this time of year.
‘The Gift’ took place in November with households putting donations on their porches for the many volunteers to collect for those less fortunate. It was a huge succcess.

The Goodfellows held their ‘Annual Porchlight Campaign’ at the end of November and in one night, thanks to all who participated, they collected close to $60,000 which is an increase of about $10,000 from 2021. In addition, the volunteers going door to door for monetary collections, also brought back in excess of 1500 toys and more than 40 banana boxes full of food. Way to go Chatham-Kent! Then, the Goodfellows followed that up with Street Sales last Friday and Saturday Dec. 9 and 10th. The Hamper Program will follow with packing and delivery next week so no child is without a Christmas. We are so fortunate to have such an ambitious Goodfellows group in our community
Don't forget the Salvation Army Red Kettle group who are visible on the streets of Chatham-Kent. They provide a great deal of help for the needy in our community at this time of year especially.
I read an article about a Chatham couple, the Cunningham’s who are hosting a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) Apparantly, both their daughters were born very early 29 weeks and the youngest, Ella, spent 71 days in London at the Neonatal ICU after her birth. Tiffany and her husband Wes were able to stay at the RMH to be close to her which they were and still are very grateful for. They are holding their annual Cocktails and Candy- Cane Event on December 17th at the Everest Convention Centre ( formerly Club Lentina’s) to raise funds for this great organization. In 2018 the Cunninghams raised $10,000 and in 2019 more than $14,000. This year, after Covid, it is back and they have a big goal of $15,000. It will be an evening of fun with a happy hour, including appetizers and cocktails, a 4 course dinner, a DJ and dancing with a photo booth and pictures with Santa. They are in need of our support. Nothing happens without the support of a village and I know our community will rise to the occasion!
A new event is taking place this year at the Chatham Armoury, Merry Magic, between December 15-18th. 
Since the Christmas in Muskoka event held by the Catholic School Board has been shelved, this is a new similar event being held at the Armoury with funds raised going to support Chatham-Kent Children Integrated Services Foundation which supports children and families through Linck and also to Feeding our Children which provides school lunches, since statistics tell us that 1 in 5 children go to school hungry. Tickets are $25.00, there are decorated trees being raffled off and two performances each evening from 4-6:30 P.M. and from 6:30 to 9 P.M. geared for children. Come and help the cause.

Since the Christmas in Muskoka event held by the Catholic School Board has been shelved, this is a new similar event being held at the Armoury with funds raised going to support Chatham-Kent Children Integrated Services Foundation which supports children and families through Linck and also to Feeding our Children which provides school lunches, since statistics tell us that 1 in 5 children go to school hungry. Tickets are $25.00, there are decorated trees being raffled off and two performances each evening from 4-6:30 P.M. and from 6:30 to 9 P.M. geared for children. Come and help the cause.
A little wordy, I know, but I wanted people to be aware of all that is being done in Chatham-Kent. On top of that, I am sure many of you, like my wife and I, have special charities we give extra to at this time of year. Whatever you can do, do it and if you cannot give, remember the needy in you prayers and God Bless you and your families. Merry Christmas