The annual Operation Christmas Shoebox collection is underway. Operation Christmas Child is a program of Samaritan's Purse , an International Christian Relief organization that works in more than 100 Countries. Last year Canadians filled more than 373,000 shoeboxes with gift for children in West Africa and Central America.

Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and distrubuted more than 187 million shoebox gifts. In Chatham, the shoeboxes can be dropped off at Gregory Drive Alliance Church for Nov 15 to Nov 21, Wallaceburg at First Baptist Church and in Dresden at the Dresden Community Church. Check for drop-off hours. A $10.00 donation is asked to accompany each box to cover shipping.
“The Gift” Drive takes place this Saturday November 20. The Gift was a huge success last year and was much needed by Chatham-Kent. The volunteer group will once again hold the massive door to door pick-up of toys and non-perishable items on Saturday November 20. Mark your calendars and put your donation on the front porch for volunteers to collect.
Last year the Goodfellows joined the drive but this year will resume their own Christmas Campaign of helping others with toys, food and funds.This year during the organizations 67th Annual Meeting the Christmas Campaign for 2021 was kicked off. In past years they have supplied Christmas dinner and a week’s worth of food for more than 1700 area families as well as gifts for the children of these families.
Last year the Goodfellows joined the drive but this year will resume their own Christmas Campaign of helping others with toys, food and funds.This year during the organizations 67th Annual Meeting the Christmas Campaign for 2021 was kicked off. In past years they have supplied Christmas dinner and a week’s worth of food for more than 1700 area families as well as gifts for the children of these families.

Whichever drive you donate to or both if possible, the need is there and all the help we can give is much appreciated. The Secret of living is giving!