Travel Tips for Home Owners

Home securityMost restrictions are gone and more people are considering travelling. Some have already left for warmer climates and are very happy to finally experience some normality in their schedules. The Snow Birds who usually spend their winter in the warm weather are glad to get back to their second homes. The March Break will soon be upon us and that will encompass another group of travelers. Those with children out of school, for the first time in 2 years, will once again consider a family holiday.
That brings up a topic that every home owner should consider, Home Security, while you are away. If you are fortunate enough to own a home security alarm that is great but many do not.Home security system There are a few things that you can do to protect our home in your absence.

1) Ask a neighbor or a friend to check on the house inside and out every few days.This will not only protect against invasion but could prevent a disaster such as a fire. One time we were away and our thermostat malfunctioned and the temperature in the house went to 90 degrees.

2) Ask a neighbor or a friend to pick up the mail and papers and put them inside. It is a dead give-away that you are not home if the mail is piled up.Stuffed Mailbox

3) The same is true if we have a big snowfall and the driveway is not cleaned out and there are no tire tracks. Make arrangements to have someone come and shovel or plough your drive in the event of a big snowfall..

4) Always have some lights come on in the evening in various rooms in the house. Put them on timers. The same light coming on every night in the front window is a sign that you are not there and it is on a timer.
5) Do not post pictures of you at your destination on line until you return home. Soneone may be watching!

It is unfortunate but an individual who would perhaps break into your home will very likely watch and analyse your whereabouts, so be prepared.Safe Home
  Enjoy your holiday and with a few simple precautions take the worry out of leaving your home.
